Fabric AI Made Easy - Direct Installation on (Windows)

Fabric AI is an interface that streamlines the process of utilizing Large Language Models through the command-line interface. By providing template prompts, Fabric guides the AI models through specific steps to accomplish tasks efficiently, often in single shot.

In my use case, I utilize Fabric to enable rapid interaction with local LLMs (Ollama). This allows me to leverage their capabilities without being hindered by tedious manual input.

To demonstrate this, I've created a custom workflow using AutoHotkey and my StreamDeck; see the details here: Removing Friction from Fabric AI CLI with AutoHotkey.

Fabric also links to this video, as an explanation of what its like.

Ensure Git and Python Are Installed

python -m pip install --upgrade pipx  
git clone https://github.com/danielmiessler/fabric.git
cd fabric
pipx install numpy
python -m pipx install chroma-hnswlib --include-deps
pipx install .
fabric --setup
Visual C++ 14.0 Error Solution

If you encounter an error requiring Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or later, a potential solution is to run the following command to install these packages:


vs_buildtools.exe --norestart --passive --downloadThenInstall --includeRecommended --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NativeDesktop --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.VCTools --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.MSBuildTools

This command was discovered on Stack Overflow after I encountered errors despite installing the required packages, and I acknowledge that it may not be the most efficient or optimal solution. If you are familiar with an optimized command that installs only the necessary packages, please share it with the community. However, this worked on my system.